State Load Despatch Centre, Ranchi is a part of Jharkhand Urja Sancharan Nigam Limited, Ranchi. SLDC is the nerve centre for Jharkhand Power System. Our principal activities include real time operation of Jharkhand Grid. At present SLDC, Ranchi is managing approximately 1600 MW of power in most economical way by merit order scheduling & SLDC has to remain in contact with all key organizations like JUUNL, JBVNL, Independent Power Producers like Inland Power, Gola and Captive Power Plant of Usha Martin Limited, Aditya Birla, Rungta, Adhunik Ispat etc. for real time operation and control. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System referred as SCADA is available at SLDC to get on line data of power system. Analog data such as MW, MVAR, KV and Hz and digital data such as breaker, isolator On or OFF status is available for almost all grid sub stations and power stations.
Functions of State Load Dispatch Centre of JUSNL as per Electricity Act 2003.
- The State Load Dispatch Centre shall be apex body to ensure integrated operation of the power system in the State.
- The State Load Dispatch Centre shall-
- Be responsible for optimum scheduling of electricity within a state, in accordance with the contracts entered into with the licensees of or the generating companies operation in the state.
- Monitor grid operations.
- Keep accounts of the quantity of electricity transmitted through the state grid.
- Exercise supervision and control over the intra-state transmission system; and
- Be responsible for carrying out real time operations of grid control and dispatch of electricity within the state through the secure and economic operation of State grid in accordance with the grid standards and the state grid code.
- The State Load Centre may levy and collect such fee and charges from the generating companies and licensees engaged in intra-state transmission of electricity as may be specified by the State Commission.