Information Desk

Human Resource


The HR Department of any organization plays a key role in developing, reinforcing, and changing the culture of the organization.

The object of Human Resource Management is to achieve the commitment and growth of the company by creating it positive attitude among the employees.

The Administration Department is functioning and responsible the for general administration of the Nigam. This Department is directly under the control of the Managing Director.

Vision of the Department is to become and develop a collaborative team of employees dedicated to valuing, encouraging and supporting each other to work in unison. Department is committed to continuous improvement for the purpose of organizational effectiveness. We are committed to anticipate and meet the changing need of technology improvement, professional growth, demonstrating and maintaining healthy and encouraging work environment and improvement of services through innovation and creativity.

We honor our values :-

  • Integrity: We honor our commitments.
  • Teamwork: We encourage the diversity of thoughts, experiences and utilize them to achieve the goals as a team. Zeal for excel is our commitment. We are committed to work as a team with loyalty and pride in JUSNL.
  • Innovation: We encourage creativity and Zest for change for continuous improvement.
  • Leadership: We believe that leadership is a choice and existing at all level. We are committed to maintain positivity at work place and everywhere.
  • Quality Result: We believe that we will come out with quality results in every assignment.

The human Resource and Administration Department of JUSNL is under the office category of Corporate Headquarter in the designation mapping. This Department is headed by General Manager (Human Resource and Administration) under which there is DGM (HRM), DGM (Legal). There are Senior Managers reporting to concerned DGM under the section of training, policy, salary and compensation, disciplinary matters and establishment, estate management and CSR activities, assembly matters, RTI, and office transport. General Manager (Human Resource and Administration) directly reports to Managing Director.

The functioning area of the Human Resource and Administration Department has been categorized into the following:-

  • Recruitment and Hiring: At present recruitment of employees are being done under the aegis of Jharkhand Urja Vikas Nigam Limited, the holding company.
  • Training and Development: Training of employees at entry level to instruct and teach the technical knowledge related to assignments. Thereafter, it is to develop and update skills and knowledge to increase the work efficiency and productivity. This is a continuous process of skill improvement for organizational development. We are focused on training by competent organizations like NPTI etc.
  • Employer-Employee Relations: A good Employer-Employee relationship results in the mutual contribution by fostering positive dynamic relations, the end result of which is job satisfaction.
  • Safe Work Environment: Safety at the workplace is on the two fronts, a safe workplace ensures the protection from harassment, discrimination, and exploitation in any manner as well as the adoption of safe operation procedures by the circulation of standard operational practice and all safety equipments/kits for safe operation.
  • Disciplinary Actions: A disciplined employee who obeys the rules and regulations as well as executes his work obeying the service code. In case of failure to do so, disciplinary action is needed to prevent the indiscipline conduct. However, the purpose of disciplinary action is to correct and improve the employee and not in the direction of moral degradation. We are hoping that there should not be a need for disciplinary action as our employees will possess high standards of morals. But if it requires, then it will certainly follow the principle of natural justice and be in the direction of improving the employee.