Jharkhand Urja Sancharan Nigam Limited (JUSNL) was formed in January 2014 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Jharkhand Urja Vikas Nigam Limited, Ranchi, registered under the Companies Act, 1956.
After the enactment of the Electricity Act, 2003, it was mandated to unbundle the State Electricity Boards as it prohibited SEBs to function as integrated power utilities. It envisaged separate and coordinated functions of the Generation, Transmission, and Distribution functions of the State. In compliance with the provisions of the Act, the erstwhile JSEB has been unbundled and vide Jharkhand State Electricity Reforms Transfer Scheme, 2013; the assets, liabilities, rights, and obligations have been transferred to the following successor companies:
Jharkhand Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (JUVNL) the Holding Company to coordinate the functions assigned to subsidiary companies)
- 1.Jharkhand Urja Utpadan Nigam Limited (JUUNL) (Subsidiary Company taken over the Generation function (GenCo.) of the erstwhile JSEB)
- 2.Jharkhand Urja Sancharan Nigam Limited (JUSNL) (Subsidiary Company taken over the Transmission (TransCo.) function of the erstwhile JSEB)
- 3. Jharkhand Bijli Vitaran Nigam Limited (JBVNL) (Subsidiary Company taken over the Distribution (DisCom) function of the erstwhile JSEB)
As per clause 5.1 of the Transfer Scheme, the function, business, and undertakings forming part of Transmission Undertaking as set out in Schedule ‘A’ thereto have been transferred to and vested in Jharkhand Urja Sancharan Nigam Limited (JUSNL) on and from the effective date i.e. 06.01.2014.
Since 06.01.2014, the JUSNL, as per clause 5.5 of the Transfer Scheme, has been made responsible for all functions, contracts, rights, deeds, schemes, bonds, agreements, proceedings, and other instruments related to Transmission undertaking, as if it had been a party thereto instead of the erstwhile JSEB.
Section 39 of the Electricity Act, 2003 provides that every state may notify the Board or a government company as the State Transmission Utility to undertake transmission of electricity through intra-State transmission system, planning, coordination with CTU, State Governments, GenCos, etc, and other associated work.
The JUSNL has been notified as to the State Transmission Utility by the Government of Jharkhand vide its Notification No. 384, dated 04.02.2019.